About the Department
About Women's Forum: In 2015, the NECN Women's Forum started to bring together women of diverse accomplishments and provide them with a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences. By thus becoming aware of their counter parts in all fields, and of mutual interests and attitudes, they can, when desired,speak in concert on issues confronting the total community and we are progressing towards women's empowerment.
To create a gender-equal society wherein women and men actively pursue the goal of gender equality and a life free from violence
Confidence women empowered to participate in and influence society.
To empower women and girls by enhancing their political, economic, legal and social status through mainstreaming gender in policies, plans and programmes.
Supporting women’s professional and personal development through education and training.
Inspire and Promote the integrated growth of women in public sector and to enhance their effectiveness in employment, in career management, and in overall development as a person.
Play a catalytic role in improving the status of women in and around public sector undertakings.
Initiate formation of women cells/advisory forums involving the women employees and as far as possible other employees in each enterprise.
Identify specific needs of women employees and suggest suitable programmes to be handled at the Regional as well as National Levels.
Develop an Information Centre/network for wide dissemination of information including a data base of women in public sector.
Inspire and facilitate gender sensitive governance and gender balance at decision making levels to nurture and evolve socially responsive truly profitable organizations.
Do all things conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
Women in leadership
Women, peace and security
Women's economic empowerment
Gender parity in education
Ending violence against women and girls
Eliminating harmful practices